Sunday, February 27, 2011

Lighting it up!

It's starting (on days other than this past Friday) to look like spring may be just around the corner here in Colorado.  That means it's time for the Crossfit Games open regionals competition, and road cycling season with track season hot on its heels.

Speaking of lighting it up, several of my friends from the US Paralympic Cycling Team are heading to Italy next week for the 2011 Paracycling Track World Championships.  Looking at the rosters, it appears at least one of the guys I raced with on Monday nights in Manchester will be competing as well.  Good luck to everyone competing!

I thought that with competition(s) coming up soon, I should post some pictures to help psyche up mentally.

Working to help set a new 1-mile record in Colorado Springs.
Pulling off at the end of my turn at the front.
These first two pictures (above) are from the track in Colorado Springs this past summer, when Ryan Luttrell, Mike Giem, Charlie Higbie, Kevin Selker, and I teamed up to set a new track record in the 1-mile race.  I took a hard pull in between Ryan Luttrell and Mike Giem.  The first picture is near the beginning of my pull, and the 2nd picture is near the end.  All I can say is, I am very happy that everything went according to plan there...

A few weeks ago, I competed in an Olympic lifting meet at Crossfit Roots here in Boulder.  We performed snatches and clean and jerks.  I ended up with a personal best in the snatch and matched my personal best from Manchester in the clean and jerk.  Here is a picture of me receiving the bar in my 2nd clean.

I have a long way to go on the Olympic lifts, but I feel like I'm making progress every month.
Finally, there is an on-going competition among riders on the cycling team to pick up the most outrageous pieces of road SWAG, carry them home, and provide photographic evidence to the team.  This week I found a hat while riding.  It's not quite up there with Doug's dinosaur or David's rocket, but it could be the start of quite a snappy outfit.  Time will tell if I can match my 3rd place finish from 2010 in the CBL road SWAG competition.
This hat may look pretty sharp, but is way too small for me.
Until next time, keep the rubber side down and start thinking about competition!

1 comment:

  1. Notice that at the start of your pull there are a couple people right on my wheel, and that afterward the nearest guy is about ten lengths back! That was a great team effort!
